What is a wind tunnel for indoor skydiving or bodyflying?
In a wind tunnel for indoor skydiving a continuous airflow is being generated, and on this airflow you are able to fly freely. The flight gets controlled only with your own body – therefore the also used term “bodyflying”.

How does our wind tunnel work?
Six big fans generate a constant airflow which streams in from below. On this airflow you can take off and fly.

Has the airflow in the wind tunnel always the same speed?
The speed of the airflow is adjusted individually for the respective flyer. As small light flyers (e.g. children) need less wind speed than larger flyers, the airflow is regulated appositely. Professional sports flyers occasionally use the whole potential of the wind tunnel and fly with a maximum speed of up to 280 km/h through the glass tube.

Will I be accompanied in the wind channel?
Yes, a professional instructor is always at your side when you are flying. Depending on the stability of your flight attitude, you will be able to try your first controlled moves in the wind tunnel with the tips of your coach, for example some easy turns!

Do I need any special previous knowledge for bodyflying?
No, for the wind channel flights no proficiency is required.

What is included in the wind tunnel flights?
Your flight adventure contains a detailed flight briefing, the equipment and the booked flight time with instructor attendance. After the flight you have got the opportunity to converse with your coach and ask questions. Furthermore, you can look with your companions at the (oftentimes quite funny) flight photos on our monitors.

How long does a flight take? How long can I fly in the wind channel?
The flight length depends on the particular flight which you have booked. STORM for instance consists of two flights and each of those single flights (=entries) lasts one minute. That appears to be short, but flying is – especially at the very first time – a very exiting experience. For everybody who needs more adrenaline, there are also flights with four or six single flights.

The HURRICANE DUO is a flight for two people who will experience also a joint flight in the wind tunnel. Here the flight time adds up to 6 minutes in total and the single entries are longer (1,5 min) due to the special sequence of this duo flight.

What is the HURRICANE DUO and how is the course of action?
The HURRICANE DUO is a flight experience for two people and consists of 6 minutes of flight time in total. As a start, each of the two flyers has a single flight of 1,5 minutes to get an initial feeling for the wind tunnel. On the third flight, both persons fly concurrently in the wind channel (flight length also 1,5 min) and are thereby assisted by a second instructor. In the remaining 1,5 min both flyers experience the HURRICANE FLY UP one after the other: here you fly together with your instructor in the uppermost region of the wind tunnel.

How is the sequence of a visit to Hurricane Factory Berlin?
As the check-in and flight briefing take place before the flights, it is necessary to arrive one hour before the booked flight time.

After the welcome at our reception, you will be accompanied through the check-in process and fill in the participation form. In case there is still an outstanding balance for your booking, you can also deal with the payment in one go.

The wind tunnel is clocked in time slots à 30 minutes, these slots start at each full and half hour. The people who fly together in such a time slot constitute a flight group. You will be picked up by your instructor approximately half an hour before your booked flight time to get your flight briefing.

Afterwards you get dressed for flying and go together into the fully glazed preflight room, from where you start your flights one after the other. As each flight experience usually consists of at least two single flights, flights will take place in a rotating manner, so that you are able to take off a second time after your first flight.

As soon as the group has used its respective flight time, you leave the preflight room together and hand in your equipment. Your instructor then explains you how to view your flight photos at the monitors before saying goodbye. Before and after flying you can drink and snack something in our bistro and watch the flyers in the wind tunnel.

What do I have to bring along for bodyflying?
You do not have to bring anything special along for bodyflying, the flight equipment will be provided by us. The jump suit can be worn over your clothes, best suited for flying is loose-fitting streetwear or sportswear. You can also bring some spare clothes when appropriate, changing cubicles are available. Besides, you just need shoes which can be laced tightly (f. e. sneakers).

Is any special equipment required for indoor skydiving?
Yes, for flying in the wind tunnel you need a jump suit as well as a helmet, goggles and ear protectors – you get all these items from us on the spot.

How do I get into the airstream?
Our instructors explain in the flight briefing how you get easily into the airstream, and they assist you in doing so.

Is it possible to halt the flight?
Your flight can be adjourned at any time. In the flight briefing you learn a signal which you can use if you would like to interrupt your flight. The instructor then helps you to get out of the airstream.

How high am I able to fly in the wind tunnel?
Our wind tunnel is 15 m high. For safety reasons you will not be able to fly as high on your own, but you will get to the top nonetheless! The HURRICANE FLY UP is included in most of the original Hurricane Factory flight experiences, and thereby your instructor flies together with you to the top of the largest German wind tunnel!

How can I control my flight position?
You control your flight position just with small body movements. As a start we recommend finding a steady and calm position in the wind. As soon as your flight position is stable, our instructors can teach you the first controlled movements in the wind tunnel, f. e. rotations.

Am I able to breathe normally in the airstream?
Generally, it is possible to breathe normally in the airstream. However, if you should have any problems with your breathing, our instructor can also offer you a full-face helmet.

The HURRICANE FLY UP is the absolute highlight of your flight adventure: hereby you experience the complete dimensions of the largest German wind tunnel during your flight! The FLY UP normally takes place at the closure of your last flight. Our instructors fly repeatedly together with you to the top of the channel and down again.

This induces wondering eyes of the audience – and brings a lot of fun and tingle for you! Please note that our instructors only execute the Fly Up if they deem the performance as safe in every individual case.

Is the Fly Up included?
The Fly Up is already included in the original Hurricane Factory flights STORM, HURRICANE and TAIFUN as well as in the HURRICANE DUO!

Vouchers which have been bought through other voucher web portals do not include the Fly Up, but it can be booked additionally on the spot.

May I bring companions?
Of course you can bring your fan club along! Our flight hall offers enough space for your family and friends – the more the better 😉!

I wear glasses – am I also able to fly with spectacles in the wind tunnel?
Yes! For spectacle wearers we have special goggles which can be worn above the glasses.

Is it possible to fly with several people in the wind tunnel at the same time?
As first-time flyer you use the wind tunnel totally on your own (together with your instructor). When you have booked the HURRICANE DUO, you are able to fly together in the wind tunnel with another person, f. e. a family member, friend or partner. The flight adventure in pairs is generally feasible with a weight difference between the two flyers of 20 kg at most. But even with a slightly larger weight difference our instructors are often able to realize this duo flight anyway, for technicalities just approach us!

Experienced sports flyers are able to fly with up to 8 people in the wind tunnel at once.

Are people with a disability or handicap able to fly?
Yes! For wheelchair users we have for example developed special orthoses, which can be attached for the wind tunnel flights. Professional sports flyers with handicap, who are amongst others in a wheelchair, practice in our wind tunnel as well. Also due to the complete accessibility of the location our wind tunnel is well suited for special needs.

Please contact our reception in advance in case a restriction or disability exists, so that we can check together with our instructor team how we can realize the flight on an individual basis.

Do minors (under 18 years) need a permission?
Yes, minors always need permission of a legal guardian. If a minor is accompanied by a legal guardian, the according declaration of participation for minors can be filled in and signed on the spot. If there should be no legal guardian present, the declaration has to be filled in and signed in advance (download link here). The according form then has to be presented with a copy of the corresponding legal guardian’s identity card.

Should minors be accompanied?
For minors under 16 years the attendance of a major is necessary. The adult does not have to be the legal guardian.

How may not fly in the wind tunnel:
From a flight in the wind tunnel the following persons are excluded:

  • persons who are under the influence of the following substances:
    • alcohol
    • drugs
    • substances/medicines which affect the cognitive and sensory perception and capacity to act
  • persons who have acute injuries of bones, particularly shoulder or spine injuries, as well as inclination to shoulder joint luxation
  • persons who are affected by cardiovascular, nervous or other diseases, which could impair a flight participation
  • pregnant persons

What may I take into the wind tunnel?

Any item which is not indispensably needed for flight traffic represents a substantial safety risk and a possible exposure to injuries. Neither in the pre-flight room nor in the wind tunnel any movable items are allowed. You can store your things in one of our lockers or hand them over to your companion.

May I bring my own camera? May my companion take pictures or record my flight in the wind tunnel?
Of course you can bring your camera! Due to safety reasons a camera is neither permitted in the pre-flight room nor the wind tunnel, but the wind tunnel is fully glazed, and your companion is able to take pictures and film your flight from outside. Our instructors will help you and position you as good as possible so that your fan club is able to make the best shoots possible.

Are flight photos and videos available?
Yes: we record your flight and we also make some high-definition photos of you in the wind tunnel. Afterwards you can look at the photos on our screens to choose and purchase the best ones.

Is there any gastronomy?
Yes: Our bistro is situated directly in the flight hall – here you can order beverages and snacks from our bistro menu. From here you have got a good view at the wind tunnel, and you are able to watch the Fun and Pro Flyers.

May I bring a dog?
Sure, well-behaved dogs are welcome at Hurricane Factory! However, due to consideration for other guests please keep your dog on the leash at any time, and please take care of a chaperon when you go flying.

You know your dog best and can therefore assess if it is comfortable in a crowd; the wind tunnel also generates a permanent background noise which may sometimes also be a bit louder.

We also gladly provide some water for your four-legged friends – only flying in the wind tunnel is not feasible 😊!

Am I able to buy a gift voucher for a wind tunnel flight?
In our online shop you can buy vouchers for our wind tunnel around-the-clock. Or you come in during opening hours and buy a voucher directly at our reception.

What is the difference between flying in a wind tunnel and skydiving?
To fly in a wind tunnel (also: indoor skydiving) is very similar to the free fall adventure at skydiving. A lot of our guests say that they have not been able to imagine a tandem jump so far, but that flying in the wind tunnel has been an exiting experience without the necessity to overcome some huge inhibitions.

Are there any advantages of flying in the wind tunnel?
Flying in the wind tunnel is possible at every season and in all weather conditions, for a skydive the weather conditions have to be appropriate to conduct a drop. Moreover, in a wind tunnel you are able to fly several times in a row, and the flights can also be much longer than the free-fall experience outside: At a skydive the parachute will be opened after approx. 50 seconds of free-fall and you slide gently back to ground, in the wind tunnel you are able to take off again immediately. Also great is that you are able to conduct your own little flight maneuvers as soon as you have found your balance in the wind: you can fly on your own!

Am I able to acquire some skills for skydiving in the wind tunnel?
Training flights in the wind tunnel can impart useful skills and expertise which are helpful when you train to become a skydiver. Even professional skydivers train in the wind tunnel, especially in winter, to maintain and enhance their skills until the next outdoor season. Our coaches are experienced skydivers themselves, some of them with several thousands of drops. Thus, they are able to customize and conduct also your training in the wind tunnel with optimal focus to skydiving.

Are functions and team events possible at Hurricane Factory Berlin?
Yes! Our facility with its modern factory architecture, the generous flight hall and a separate conference room is most suitable for a range of different types of functions. If you are planning a meeting or a conference, a team event or a company party – for all questions and further information our event department is at your service under events.berlin@hurricanefactory.com!